Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Taking the Swartland Revolution to Paris

Adi, Eben and Chris are on their way to introduce the French to some Swartland wines soon. 
Between THIS picture and our 2011 Swartland Revolution poster I am seeing WAY too much skin from Adi...

The One-Day-Only invasion on Saturday October 15th will include two events.

First, a FREE tasting with 3 classes: 

one to introduce Swartland with Eben's wines, 
one with Chris & Stéphane Ogier (our imported guest at 2010 Revolution)
and one with Adi presenting his wines. 

This will take place in a wine cellar in the Latin Quarter of Paris starting at 3pm.

Secondly there will be a wine dinner with a menu to pair with Mullineux and Badenhorst Wines in a secret location.

Anyone interested in participating can contact Raffi Gabeyan via email at

1 comment:

  1. Visita la Revolución de Swartland en París, donde la elaboración innovadora de vino se combina con una cultura vibrante. Se une a nosotros para una celebración de vinos excepcionales y delicias culinarias. Estoy ansioso por leer más artículos como este en el futuro. Estoy seguro de que muchos lectores encontrarán este artículo útil.
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